Three of us had bonded at university over shared love of the past. Now that we work at different places, canteen tables cannot serve as the best place to generate ideas. Something more virtual, yet something more lasting must take shape. Hence, this blog for ourselves. But what for you? How do you make things last? Through living in places and deeply imprinting the soil, perhaps. Through home, through language and song, perhaps. A patchwork on a quilt or a soiled boot, perhaps? Stories, or photographs? Through the eyes of your grandfather or the hands of your grandmother? All of life is a remembrance of a life already lived. Our blog would talk about memories and places that pin the past to the earth. Places that cannot be subdued, just like the people who died while refusing to die out forever. We shall post about faded yet persisting stories. Ruins, objects, texts- 'vintage' if you must call them so, but far more than collectibles. Our blog is not a personal blog. You can ...
A blog on nostalgic memories and the smell of the earth